Percona encourages its staff members to actively collaborate with universities and local communities. Evgeniy Patlan (Manager, Build & Release Engineering) is one of those who enjoy active communicati...
October 18, 2021
Percona Team participated in ATO (All Things Open) in Raleigh Convention Center on October 17th - 19th....
October 17, 2021
Percona Team participated in the OSS event organized by Linux Foundation in Seattle in Hyatt Regency Hotel on September 27-30. It was really exciting for all of us to start meeting in person with cust...
September 27, 2021
Percona sponsored the OSDN Conf Kyiv which was held in person in the Nivki-hal on September 18th. It was a one-day non-commercial, volunteer-organized event centered on free and open-source software. ...
September 18, 2021
Peter Zaitsev is CEO and co-founder of Percona. He opened Percona Live ONLINE with a keynote which took a look at the historical foundations of open source software and how they have shaped the field ...
June 15, 2020