Percona Labs

Participate in Percona research and innovation projects. Let’s make open source world better together!

What is Percona Labs?

In Percona we want to support the culture of innovation. Percona Labs projects are focused on bringing innovations to the world of open source databases. The project is led by Percona’s CTO Vadim Tkachenko. The aim is to increase agility, improve scalability, reduce cost, enable easy integration, and upgrade the speed and efficiency of your organization’s development processes.

How Can I Participate?

We highly encourage you to try our lab projects out and take part in their development to bring in new technologies and broaden your horizons. We welcome contributions of all kinds - from code ones to providing feedback and sharing your ideas about project development. Let’s foster a culture of experimentation, learning and progress together!

We encourage you to think creatively and come up with new ideas. Share with us your new products, processes, or services by contacting us at, with the help of the contact form or on the Percona Community Forum.

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