PGConf India 2023 started on a fresh note after 2 years of gap due to the pandemic. With 400+ conference attendees and 150+ attendees for the training program, it was a great event.
There were three parallel tracks for the presentations. Jobin Augustine, PostgreSQL Escalation Specialist from Percona, gave 2 talks during the event:
Reducing PostgreSQL Costs in the Cloud In the face of economic uncertainty and a possible recession, many companies are trimming expenses, freezing hiring, and, in some cases, laying off staff. But what if you could cut costs without negatively impacting resources or headcount? Better yet, what if you could free up enough budget to keep your existing staff and hire the quality candidates your team needs?
Highly Effective Troubleshooting of Performance and Stability Problems in a PostgreSQL Server Have you ever been in a database emergency and needed real quick pinpointing information on what is wrong with a PostgreSQL instance/database? Are you looking for a good Analysis and meaningful conclusions using the data presented by PostgreSQL performance views (pg_stat_*) Have you ever felt that there is too much performance and monitoring data and how to make sense of that? If the answer is “Yes” for any or all of these, this is a presentation for you.
We also had 3 lightning talks:
- PostgreSQL for MySQL DBA, My Learning Thoughts by Lalit Choudhary;
- What if Backup Server is Down and Backup is Needed? by Sonia Valeja;
- Managing Postgres Parameter Operations With Patroni by Bhargav Kamineni.
Percona was a Gold sponsor of the event. Percona booth was the first in the line and attracted many people.
Our experts have been bombarded with technical inquiries from attendees. It was a very positive experience and a great chance to understand the challenges they face in their daily needs. All Percona staff members were very active in the booth and interacted with attendees. Special thanks to Clement Guisse, Arun Dubey, Sameer Kumar, Akshay Chavan, Jobin Augustine, Lalit Choudhary,Bhargav Kamineni,Sonia Valeja.
It was a great pleasure to support this event and meet the Postgres community in person!