We bring international speakers and invite local ones to help you to build your knowledge and get up to speed on hot database topics.
Percona University came to in Montevideo at October 24th. Percona University is a free database meetup open to everyone in the community.
This time agenda included talks both in English and Spanish:
Cloud of Serfdom vs Cloud of Freedom: Why Open Source Will Win in the Cloud Age by Peter Zaitsev (Founder, Percona)
Cloud and Open Source have a very intricate relationship! In this talk we will look at the history of how the impact of Cloud on Open Source changed through the years, examine the current state as well as make a case for a particular way to use Cloud and Open Source Together. If you cherish the values of Open Source - you will do well by using Cloud as Commodity Infrastructure Provider and run Open Source Software on top of it. Consider Kubernetes in particular as your API of choice with its ubiquitous availability among all major public cloud providers and private cloud software vendors. We will show what while this ecosystem may not be as mature as proprietary solution from cloud vendors it is moving rapidly and becoming a great fit for more and more situations.
22 Reasons to Migrate to MySQL 8 by Peter Zaitsev (Founder, Percona)
MySQL 8 is different from previous major MySQL versions, because MySQL 8 in 2023 is significantly different from MySQL 8 initial release in 2018, because many features are introduced in the minor version released since. In this presentation we will look at those most important Modern MySQL 8 features which appeared since the initial MySQL 8 release.
- Performance Diagnostic with PMM - Live! by Marcos Albe (Principal Support Engineer, Percona)
Estrategias para Escalar MySQL by Carlos Tutte (Senior Consultant, Percona)
Todos esperamos que la BD tenga una buena performance pero a medida que aumenta el tráfico van apareciendo cuellos de botella y problemas de performance. Que podemos hacer con esto? En esta charla vamos a repasar diferenes conceptos como:
- Cuando escalar
- Escalamiento horizontal/vertical
- Tecnologizas para escalar MySQL
- Modificaciones a los esquemas/tablas
PostgreSQL Parametrization Hints and Optimization by Agustín Gallego (Senior Support Engineer, Percona)
Is your PostgreSQL cluster underperforming even when running on a large server? Are you running with IO saturation? Is your memory under pressure? Is the CPU load too high? PostgreSQL was designed to run almost everywhere. That flexibility provided out of the box represents a challenge for those running PostgreSQL on large servers and intensive workloads. Finding the proper parametrization in your system could be challenging: it requires knowledge, continuous monitoring, and tuning according to the workload changes. This session will explore the essential aspects of PostgreSQL parametrization and OS-related parametrization. It will provide insights into what should be monitored and how to modify configurations accordingly. After completing this session, you can boost your PostgreSQL cluster performance, effectively and consistently.
Automated batch process scaling for optimal shared resource utilisation by Ignacio Nin (Staff SRE, Remind)
A common pattern in modern distributed systems is to share resources (e.g. databases) between two types of load-inducing processes: user-facing, steady state processes (typically web applications) and batch, bulk processing (typically asynchronous).
Open Source & Finance: Not just infrastructure… It’s a Revolution! by Javier Borkenztain (Fiter)
Making a Career out of Open Source by Peter Zaitsev (Founder, Percona)
Are you thinking about taking your Open Source passion and making it into a career? What options do you have and how can you approach them? In this talk, we will cover the main choices you have - getting hired by the company which contributes to the Open Source project you love, Being a freelancer/starting Open Source consulting business or turning Open Source project into Open Source product and building a product business.
Attendees also had some time for networking during coffee breaks. Marcos Albe prepared amazing dishes to treat everyone.
Percona Team spent a wonderful time together and had so much fun!