Percona University came to Buenos Aires on October 20th. Percona University is a series of database meetups that we organize worldwide in different locations.
It is a wonderful opportunity to discover more about open source software, databases, and services, and speak to recognised experts and featured speakers. Build your knowledge and get up to speed on hot database topics.
Agenda included talks both in English and Spanish. Click on the talk’s titles to look through slides.
Cloud of Serfdom vs Cloud of Freedom: Why Open Source Will Win in the Cloud Age by Peter Zaitsev (Founder, Percona)
Cloud and Open Source have a very intricate relationship! In this talk we will look at the history of how the impact of Cloud on Open Source changed through the years, examine the current state as well as make a case for a particular way to use Cloud and Open Source Together. If you cherish the values of Open Source - you will do well by using Cloud as Commodity Infrastructure Provider and run Open Source Software on top of it. Consider Kubernetes in particular as your API of choice with its ubiquitous availability among all major public cloud providers and private cloud software vendors. We will show what while this ecosystem may not be as mature as proprietary solution from cloud vendors it is moving rapidly and becoming a great fit for more and more situations.
Upgrading Your Postgres Cluster HA system to a Really Automatic One by Sergio Cepxio Ostapowicz (DBRE - DevOps, Ongres)
Companies usually tend to delay tough jobs like database migrations and upgrades or architecture improvements like Automatic HA systems, leading sometimes to major disasters, data loss, and service denial, among other critical issues.
Production-Grade Postgres on Kubernetes with StackGres by Diego Seed Vicious Feito (DBRE - DevOps, Ongres)
As organizations move towards containerization and Kubernetes, managing databases such as PostgreSQL can be challenging. Running Postgres in production doesn’t come with batteries included, as you need to supplement core Postgres with high availability, connection pooling, backups, monitoring, and more. In a cloud offering, this should be provided, but what about containerized environments like Kubernetes? In this session, we’ll have a look at StackGres, an open-source, production-grade PostgreSQL operator. We’ll see StackGres’ features and capabilities, and why running a database in Kubernetes with the help of a modern operator makes a lot of sense. Of course, watching tech in action is more fun than slides only, so a lot of the talk with be live coding and live demoing!
22 Reasons to Migrate to MySQL 8 by Peter Zaitsev (Founder, Percona)
MySQL 8 is different from previous major MySQL versions, because MySQL 8 in 2023 is significantly different from MySQL 8 initial release in 2018, because many features are introduced in the minor version released since. In this presentation we will look at those most important Modern MySQL 8 features which appeared since the initial MySQL 8 release.
MyDumper Internals by David Ducos (Senior Architect, Percona)
MyDumper a cambiado mucho durante los últimos 3 años. En esta charla vamos a revisar en profundidad cuales fueron los cambios que se agregaron, las razones principales de estos cambios y que es lo que podemos esperar en el futuro.
Herramientas Útiles del Percona Toolkit para DBAs by Fernando Mattera (MySQL DBA, Percona)
En esta oportunidad, vamos a descubrir las poderosas herramientas indispensables para los administradores de bases de datos, SRE y Devops. Mostraremos su instalación y uso de las más comunes y esenciales utilidades que Percona ofrece.
Un Viaje desde un Punto único de Fallo a la Alta Disponibilidad Casi Real Mediante InnoDB Cluster by Francisco Bordenave (Senior Architect, Percona)
Alta disponibilidad para bases de datos es un tópico cada vez más comųn estos dias, En esta charla vamos a presentar una solución real que implementamos para actualizar servidores stand-alone sin redundancia a una solución redundante, distribuida y con capacidad de failover automático reduciendo el tiempo de failover a prácticamente 0.
MongoDB 101 by Ivan Groenewold (Senior Architect, Percona)
En esta charla vamos a explicar por que MongoDB es tan popular dentro del mundo NoSQL. Empezaremos viendo los motivos por los cuales surgieron las bases de datos NoSQL, seguiremos con como instalar y configurar MongoDB, sus comandos de administracion y troubleshooting mas importantes, como realizar backup y restore, y como monitorearla de forma efectiva.
This event was also an excellent networking opportunity for the local community.
In the evening, Percona team went for a team dinner. It is so important to meet your colleagues in-person from time to time when working remotely!