DBdeployer in Action - Optimised MySQL Sandboxes

Giuseppe Maxia and Frédéric Descamps - Oracle MySQL - MySQL Track Room - Percona Live 2021

The Data Charmer will show how to use dbdeployer in the wild by answering the questions of lefred. This session will mimic an Ask Me Anything session where all chapters will be an answer to a specic question. Throught this list of questions, the audience will learn how to start with dbdeployer but also discover more advanced featured. Join this team to see and learn how to use dbdeployer in the wild.


Link: https://youtu.be/QTpUkIDDNkc


Giuseppe Maxia

vmware, Software Explorer and creator of tools

Formerly at MySQL AB, and then through acquisitions at Sun Microsystems and Oracle, and currently at VMware through a merge.

I am active member of the MySQL community and long timer open source enthusiast. During the past decades I have worked in various IT related elds, with focus on databases, software development, quality assurance, and system administration. Fluent in Italian, English, Go, Spanish, SQL, Bash, and good speaker of C, French, and Perl. I work in cyberspace, with a virtual team.

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Frédéric Descamps

Oracle MySQL, MySQL Community Manager

“@lefred” has been consulting OpenSource and MySQL for almost 20 years. After graduating in Management Information Technology, Frédéric Descamps started his career as a developer for an ERP under HPUX. He will then opt for a career in the world of open-source by joining one of the first Belgian start-up dedicated 100% to free projects around GNU/Linux. It is in 2011 that lefred joined Percona, one of the leading MySQL-based specialists. He decided to join the MySQL Community Team in 2016 as a MySQL Community Manager for EMEA & APAC. Frédéric is also a regular speaker of OpenSource Conferences. His blog mostly dedicated to MySQL is http://lefred.be Fred is also the devoted father of three adorable daughters: Wilhelmine, Héloïse & Barbara.

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