MySQL Architectures in a Nutshell

Speakers:  Kenny Gryp

Kenny Gryp - Oracle MySQL - MySQL Track Room - Percona Live 2021

Following MySQL InnoDB Cluster as our first, fully integrated MySQL High Availability solution based on Group Replication, MySQL Shell 8.0.19 includes MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet which delivers another complete solution, this time based on MySQL Replication.

The basic idea for InnoDB ReplicaSet is to do the same for classic MySQL Replication as InnoDB Cluster did for Group Replication. We take a strong technology that is very powerful but can be complex, and provide an easy-to-use AdminAPI for it in the MySQL Shell.

In just a few easy to use Shell commands, a MySQL Replication database architecture can be configured from scratch including:

  • Data provisioning using MySQL CLONE
  • Setting up replication
  • Performing manual switchover/failover.

and we keep improving, join the session to discover the last developments related to MySQL Database Architectures. ∎




Kenny Gryp

Oracle MySQL, MySQL Product Manager

MySQL Product Manager focussing on InnoDB, Replication and all things High Availability.

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