Listen to the interviews from PerconaLive 2022. David Stokes invited amazing guests to talk to him about open source technologies.
Dave Stokes talks open - Stoking the flames of open source - Episode 1 - Percona Live 2022

Dave Stokes
Technology Evangelist at PerconaDave joined Percona last February 2022. Dave is MySQL Community Manager and the author of MySQL & JSON - A Practical Programming Guide

Alkin Tezuysal
Sr. Technical Manager, PlanetScaleAlkin Tezuysal has extensive experience in enterprise relational databases, working in various sectors for large corporations. With more than 20 years of industry experience, he has acquired skills for managing large projects from the ground up to production. For the past decade, he’s been focused on e-commerce, SaaS, and MySQL technologies. Alkin has managed and architected database topologies for high-volume sites at eBay Intl. He has several years of experience in 24X7 support and operational tasks and improving database systems for major companies. He has led global operations teams on Tier 1/2/3 support for MySQL customers. In late 2020, he joined PlanetScale’s expert engineering team over Vitess.
- Open source database evangelist
- Global database operations expert
- Storyteller
- Inspiring technical and strategic leader
- Creative team builder
- Speaker, mentor, and coach
- Born to sail, forced to work

Ovais Tariq
Sr. Engineering Manager - Core Storage @UberEngineering leader with 15 years of experience in database infrastructure and site reliability engineering. Currently building the core storage platform and leading production engineering for storage at Uber.
Ovais is a Sr. Manager in the Core Storage team at Uber. He leads the Operational Storage Platform group with a focus on providing a world-class platform that powers all the critical business functions and lines of business at Uber. The platform serves tens of millions of QPS with an availability of 99.99% or more and stores tens of Petabytes of operational data.