Volunteering as a Program Committee Member for Data on Kubernetes Day Europe 2024

by Edith Puclla

The Data on Kubernetes Day Europe 2024 Program Committee is a group of professionals and experts responsible for organizing the Data on Kubernetes Day Europe 2024 content for the upcoming co-located events at Kubecon in Paris on 19 March.

As Data on Kubernetes community members, Sergey Pronin (Group Product Manager at @Percona) and I (Tech Evangelist) volunteered to evaluate proposal topics submitted for the event through the Sessionize platform. Not only us but also many other members of the Data on Kubernetes community participated as volunteers.

Community members who participate in this Program Committee evaluate proposals for talks, workshops, and other sessions submitted by potential speakers. This involves identifying each submission’s relevance, quality, and originality and being completely transparent and honest when reviewing a set of talks for the Data On Kubernetes Community co-located event.

Being a program committee means adhering to guidelines and following the Linux Foundation’s code of conduct.

  • Be professional and courteous.
  • Even express feedback constructively, not destructively.
  • Be considerate when choosing communication channels

After all program committee members completed their evaluations, the Data on Kubernetes Day Co-located Events Europe 2024 schedule was announced.

Look at this promising agenda:

DoKC agenda

We feel great to be a part of these efforts and to contribute to something significant by making it a reality at an in-person event. Thanks to the Linux Foundation for recognizing our efforts as Program Committee Members and for considering Percona, an active member of the DoK community.

In recognition of this support, we earned a badge from The Linux Foundation.

DoKC badge

If you want to know more initiatives Percona have in the DoK community, read Data on Kubernetes Community initiatives: Automated storage scaling.

If you have any questions, remember to visit our Percona Community Forum.

Edith Puclla

Edith Puclla is a Technology Evangelist of Percona Corporation, studied at 42 Silicon Valley School in California in 2020, and was part of the Outreachy Internship in 2021. She has a background in DevOps and is a Docker and Kubernetes enthusiast.

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