Backups for MySQL With mysqldump

by Mario García

Basic Usage

mysqldump is a client utility that can be used for doing logical backups. It will generate the necessary SQL statements to reproduce the original database.

Backup by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

The following statements are some common uses of mysqldump:

  1. mysqldump -u username -p database_name [table_name] > dump.sql
  2. mysqldump -u username -p --databases db1_name db2_name > dump.sql
  3. mysqldump -u username -p --all-databases > dump.sql

The first example is for backing up a single database. If you need to back up some specific tables instead of the whole database, write their names, space-separated.

With the --databases option, you can back up two or more databases, their names must be space separated.

To back up all the databases in your MySQL server, just append the --all-databases option.

The dump.sql file doesn’t contain the create database SQL statement. If you need it, add it with the -B option. This is unnecessary if you’re running mysqldump with the --databases and --all-databases options.

Ignoring tables when backing up a database is also possible with the --ignore-tables option.

$ mysqldump -u username -p database_name --ignore-tables=database_name.table1 > database_name.sql

If you need to ignore more than one database, just use the option as many times as needed.

$ mysqldump -u root -p database_name --ignore-table=database_name.table1 --ignore-table=database_name.table2 > database_name.sql

Schema Backup

In case you need to backup only the schema of your database with no data, run mysqldump with the --no-data option:

$ mysqldump -u username -p database_name --no-data > dump.sql

You can also backup the schema while running mysqldump with the --databases and --all-databases options.

$ mysqldump -u username -p --all-databases --no-data > dump.sql
$ mysqldump -u username -p --databases db1_name db2_name --no-data > dump.sql

Data Restore

To restore the databases in your dump.sql file, run the following command:

$ mysqldump -u root -p < dump.sql

If you need to restore a single database from the complete backup, you can do it by running any of the following statements:

$ mysqldump -u root -p -o database_name < dump.sql
$ mysqldump -u root -p --one-database database_name < dump.sql

In both cases, the database must exist in your MySQL server, as it only will restore the schema and the data.

Conditional Backup

If you need to create a backup that contains data that matches a condition, you can use a WHERE clause with mysqldump.

You can use a single where condition:

$ mysqldump database_name table_name --where="id > 500" > dump.sql

Or multiple conditions:

$ mysqldump database_name users --where="id > 500 and disabled = 0" > dump.sql

As explained here in the website.

For example, in a database with the following schema, built from the Movienet dataset:

Movienet Database
Movienet Database

If you want to back up the movies produced in a specific country, like Mexico, a way to do it is by running mysqldump with a WHERE clause.

$ mysqldump -u root -p movienet movies --where=”country = 22” > dump.sql

22 is the country_id of Mexico in this particular database, created using this Python script.

You can also get those values by executing the following SQL statement:

select movies.movie_id, movies.title, as country from movies inner join countries on = countrie
s.country_id and = '22';
| movie_id  | title                                                     | country |
| tt0047501 | Sitting Bull (1954)                                       | Mexico  |
| tt0049046 | Canasta de cuentos mexicanos (1956)                       | Mexico  |
| tt0076336 | Hell Without Limits (1978)                                | Mexico  |
| tt0082048 | El barrendero (1982)                                      | Mexico  |
| tt0082080 | Blanca Nieves y sus 7 amantes (1980)                      | Mexico  |
| tt0083057 | El sexo de los pobres (1983)                              | Mexico  |
| tt0110185 | El jardín del Edén (1994)                                 | Mexico  |
| tt0116043 | De jazmín en flor (1996)                                  | Mexico  |
| tt0121322 | El giro, el pinto, y el Colorado (1979)                   | Mexico  |
| tt0133354 | Algunas nubes (1995)                                      | Mexico  |
| tt0207055 | La risa en vacaciones 4 (TV Movie 1994)                   | Mexico  |
| tt0208889 | To and Fro (2000)                                         | Mexico  |
| tt0211878 | La usurpadora (TV Series 1998– )                          | Mexico  |
| tt0220306 | El amarrador 3 (1995)                                     | Mexico  |
| tt0229008 | El vampiro teporocho (1989)                               | Mexico  |

Skipping Databases

There’s no option for mysqldump to skip databases when generating the backup, but here’s a solution that could work for you:

for DB in `echo "${DATABASES_TO_EXCLUDE}"`
SQLSTMT="SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata"
for DB in `mysql -u username -p -ANe"${SQLSTMT}"`
MYSQLDUMP_OPTIONS="--routines --triggers"
mysqldump -u username -p ${MYSQLDUMP_OPTIONS} ${MYSQLDUMP_DATABASES} > MySQLDatabases.sql

The above BASH script will generate the backup of your MySQL server excluding the information_schema and mysql databases, listed in the EXCLUSION_LIST variable, as well as the databases of your choice in the DATABASES_TO_EXCLUDE variable.

Don’t forget to add the databases you want to exclude to the DATABASES_TO_EXCLUDE variable, replace the username, in both mysql and mysqldump commands, and add the required options to the MYSQLDUMP_OPTIONS variable.

Security Considerations

Some of the common questions in our forum are about how to do a partial restoration from a complete backup. For example, when you back up a database with mysqldump, you will get the statements for creating the schema of the database and inserting the data from your backup.

If you only need the schema, you can run mysqldump with the –no-data option. But if you need to restore the schema of a specific database from a complete backup, I found an interesting solution:

cat dump.sql | grep -v ^INSERT | mysql -u username -p

The above command will restore the schema of your database, skipping the SQL statements for inserting the data. It works well when you backup a single database, but there’s no reason to use it as you can get the schema with the --no-data option, instead of removing the inserts.

What happens if you try to run this command with a backup that includes all the databases in your server? You must be careful as this will try to overwrite the system schema in the mysql database which is dangerous. This database store authentication details and overriding the data will make you lose access to your server.

If you don’t need to backup the mysql database, run mysqldump with the --databases option to specify which databases you require or use the script shared in the Skipping Databases section.


Through this blog post you learned how to use mysqldump for backing up the databases in your MySQL server as well as some recommendations while using this tool. For advanced usage of mysqldump you can check this article in our blog.

Mario García

Mario has been an active Open Source contributor for more than 15 years. Technical Evangelist @ Percona. Python developer with experience automating stuff and web development. Speaker at tech and innovation events since 2008. DevOps enthusiast. Member of GitLab Heroes, GitKraken Ambassadors and HashiCorp Ambassadors.

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